Bastify | Hosting, domain registry, vps, mail and SSL

Tips to optimize your website - 1

Bussiness 17 December, 2023

1. Use a content delivery network (CDN)

A content delivery network is a set of web servers distributed across multiple geographic locations that provide web content to end users with respect to their location. When you host the website on a single server, all user requests are sent to the same hardware. For this reason, the time required to process each request increases. On top of that, loading time increases when users are physically far from the server. With CDN, user requests are redirected to the nearest server. As a result, content is delivered to a user faster and a website runs faster. This is a fairly expensive, but quite effective way to optimize loading time.

2. Move your website to a better host

There are three possible types of accommodation:

  • Shared Hosting

  • Virtual Private Servers (VPS)

  • Dedicated server

The most popular type of hosting used all over the world is shared hosting. That is the most economical way to get your website online in a short time and for a low fee. It is essential choose the fast web host to ensure better optimization, in bastify we work every day to improve speed to place it above average.

With shared hosting, you share CPU, disk space and RAM with other websites that also use this server. This is the main reason why shared hosting is not as fast as VPS or a dedicated server.

Virtual private servers and dedicated servers are much faster. VPS uses multiple servers for content distribution. By having VPS, you share the server with your other users and have your own share of the virtual server where your configurations do not influence other clients. If your website has high traffic or if you have ecommerce with traffic peaks in some periods, VPS will be the optimal solution for you.

The most expensive hosting option is to use a dedicated server which can be your own physical server. In this case, you pay a server rental and hire a system administrator to maintain it. If you want to see some see bastify

Another approach is to rent dedicated cloud resources from AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, or another public cloud provider. Both approaches can also be combined in a hybrid cloud that we recently discussed. With dedicated servers, all the resources belong only to you and you have full control over them. Cloud infrastructures can also add unlimited, on-demand scalability in a number of packages.

Serverless architecture is another option that completely eliminates server maintenance and configuration procedures.

3. Optimize the size of the images on your website

Everyone loves eye-catching images. In case of successful e-commerce websites, images are the vital part. Lots of photos, images and graphics on your product pages improve engagement. The side The negative of using images is that they are generally large files that slow down the website.

The best way to reduce image size without compromising its quality is to compress images using tools such as ImageOptim, JPEGmini or Kraken. The procedure may take a little time, but it is worth it. Another One way to reduce the image size is to use the and attributes of HTML responsive images that adjust the image size based on the user&;#39;s display properties.

4. Reduce the number of plugins

Plugins are common components of every website. They add specific features suggested by third parties. Unfortunately, the more plugins installed, the more resources are required to run them. As a result, the website runs slower and also security issues may appear. As time goes by, the number of plugins grows, while some of them can no longer be used. We recommend checking all the plugins you have installed and removing unnecessary ones.

First, run performance tests on your page to find out which plugins slow down your website. Website speed depends not only on the number of installed plugins, but also on their quality. Try to avoid plugins that load a large number of scripts and styles or generate many database queries. The best solution is to keep only the necessary ones and ensure they are up to date

5. Minimize the number of JavaScript and CSS files

If your website contains a large number of CSS and JavaScript files, this generates a large number of HTTP requests when visitors to your website want to access certain files. These requests are processed individually by the browser of the visitor and slow down the work of the website. If you reduce the number of JavaScript and CSS files, this will undoubtedly speed up your website. Try to group all the JavaScript into one and also do it with all the CSS files. This will reduce the total number of requests HTTP. There are many tools to quickly minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. For example, you can use WillPeavy, Script Minifier or Grunt tools.

6. Use web caching

In case there are many users accessing the page at the same time, the servers work slowly and need more time to deliver the web page to each user. Caching is the process of store the current version of your website on the hosting and present this version until your website is updated. This means that the web page is not rendered over and over again for each user. The targeted web page does not need to send database requests every time.

Approaches to web caching depend on the platform your website is developed on. For WordPress, for example, you can use the following plugins: W3 Total Cache or W3 Super Cache If you use VPS or a dedicated server, you can also configure caching in your general settings. In the case of shared server, web caching is usually not available.

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