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How to Fix 404 Errors on Your Website: Complete Guide

Bussiness 17 December, 2023

404 errors are one of the most frustrating experiences a visitor can have on your website. When a user encounters a 404 error, it means that the page they were looking for is not found on your server. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as changes to your site structure, deletion of pages, or broken links. Fortunately, these errors can be fixed effectively. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide on how to address and resolve 404 errors on your website, especially if you use hosting services.

What is a 404 Error?

A 404 error is an HTTP response code indicating that the requested web page could not be found on the server. This typically occurs when a visitor attempts to access a page that has been deleted or has changed location. Search engines and web browsers display this code to inform the user that the page is not available.

Steps to Solve 404 Errors on your Website:

  1. Identify the 404 Error: The first step to resolve a 404 error is to identify where and why it is occurring. You can use tools such as Google Analytics or Search Console to see which pages are generating these errors. This will help you better understand the problem.

  2. Check for Broken Links: Broken links are a common cause of 404 errors. Review all internal and external links on your website to make sure they are correct. are working correctly. Fix or remove broken links.

  3. Redirect Changed Pages: If you have made changes to the structure of your website and some old pages no longer exist, consider redirecting those URLs to new pages or relevant. This will ensure a better experience for visitors and avoid 404 errors.

  4. Customize the 404 Error Page: Instead of displaying a generic 404 error page, create a custom page that is useful to users. You can include links to your site&;#39;s main pages, a search form, or contact information to help visitors find what they&;#39;re looking for.

  5. Update Sitemap: Make sure your sitemap is up to date and contains all the important pages of your website. This will make it easier for search engines to index correctly your content.

  6. Monitor and Track Continuously: 404 errors can reappear over time due to changes to your website. Therefore, it is important keep constant monitoring and fix any new bugs as soon as they are detected.


404 errors are inevitable on a constantly evolving website, but with the right strategies and practices, you can minimize their impact and ensure your visitors have a smooth browsing experience. Identify, fix and preventing 404 errors is essential to maintaining the integrity of your website and the satisfaction of your users. If you use a hosting service, it is important that you are familiar with these techniques to keep your website in optimal condition and offer the best possible experience to your visitors.

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